So this is just something I scripted out a few moments ago. Most of the work is handled by the mysqli class file, MysqliDb.php, that you can find at Otherwise here is the code that makes use of it. It replaces every single column in a database table with a string or value without any non ASCII characters they may or may not contain. Of course its replacing the values with nothing, so if they were a symbol or something, they will be gone. This is good for cleaning up tables that you may have scraped and the values had that little black diamond with the ? mark in the center. If you don’t know what this means, read this, and you should understand. � is something you see when the current character set doesn’t have a character available.
// Local DB Connection Settings
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'root';
$pass = '';
$dbname = 'dbname';
$table_name = 'table_name_here';
// Create Conn for DB Connection (Yah, I know I connect twice, it doesn't matter, it's a fire and forget script)
$conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $dbname);
// Get from
include_once 'mysqli.class.php';
// Create DB Class for mysqli using mysqli DB Class
$db = new MysqliDb($host, $user, $pass, $dbname);
// Function to automatically replace all fields...
// $conn is the original mysqli_connect connection, $db is the mysqli classes db object, $table_name is the string of the table name, 'id' is the auto incrementing ID used for the WHERE id = % part of the updates....
removeNonASCIICharacters($conn, $db, $table_name, 'id');
* Remove all NO ASCII characters from DB tables
* @param $conn - mysql connection
* @param $db - mysqli DB class initialized
* @param $table_name - table name
* @param $id - defaults to "id", used to update WHERE id = $id
function removeNonASCIICharacters($conn, $db, $table_name, $id = 'id') {
// Get target table columns and put into values array
$sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$table_name;
$res = mysqli_query( $conn, $sql );
$values = $res->fetch_all( MYSQLI_ASSOC );
// Query the table to loop through...
$q = "SELECT * FROM $table_name
$r = mysqli_query( $conn, $q );
$count = 0;
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $r ) ) {
$id = $row[$id_name]; // Define $id for update
// Create Insert Array used by MySQLi DB Class
$insert_arr = array();
// Loop through values and add to insert_array... this will automatically create an array with all the column names and remove non ascii characters in the process without you having to define anything at all...
foreach ( $values as $k => $v ) {
$column_name = $v['Field'];
$insert_arr[$column_name] = preg_replace( '/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/', '', $row[$column_name] );
// Define the WHERE
$db->where( 'id', $id );
// Prepare update and execute
if ( $db->update( $table_name, $insert_arr ) ) {
} else {
echo 'Updated ' . $count . ' records. Current ID Failed: ' . $id . '
echo 'Update failed: ' . $db->getLastError() . '
echo 'Non ASCII Character Removal Completed! ' . $count . ' records updated!
So that’s about it. Just replace the DB connection parameters, the table name, define the id tag of the table and all non ascii characters get removed. It’s pretty easy to use. I haven’t posted in a while and I figured this might be helpful to some! Enjoy!
As a bonus, I figured I would throw in something that I use to define variables when I am working with code where I can’t work off the $row[‘column_name’] variable. It is a function that will output code to copy paste into your IDE. It’s occasionally useful.
Usage is:
outputTableColumns($conn, $table_name, true, $arr_name = ‘arr’, $row = ‘row’);
I know you can just also do $arr = $row; after a $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); but where is the fun in that? Sometimes you really just need the variable names as an array or as variables.
That will output something like this:
$arr[‘id’] = $row[‘id’];
$arr[‘asin’] = $row[‘asin’];
$arr[‘original_dup_asin’] = $row[‘original_dup_asin’];
$arr[‘is_isbn’] = $row[‘is_isbn’];
$arr[‘is_duplicate_asin’] = $row[‘is_duplicate_asin’];
$arr[‘title’] = $row[‘title’];
$arr[‘clean_title’] = $row[‘clean_title’];
$arr[‘binding’] = $row[‘binding’];
$arr[‘edition’] = $row[‘edition’];
$arr[‘small_image’] = $row[‘small_image’];
$arr[‘author’] = $row[‘author’];
$arr[‘publisher’] = $row[‘publisher’];
$arr[‘publication_date’] = $row[‘publication_date’];
$arr[‘label’] = $row[‘label’];
$arr[‘manufacturer’] = $row[‘manufacturer’];
$arr[‘studio’] = $row[‘studio’];
$arr[‘number_of_pages’] = $row[‘number_of_pages’];
$arr[‘xml_string’] = $row[‘xml_string’];
Or if you do this:
outputTableColumns($conn, $table_name, false, $arr_name = ”, $row = ‘row’);
You get this:
$id = $row[‘id’];
$asin = $row[‘asin’];
$original_dup_asin = $row[‘original_dup_asin’];
$is_isbn = $row[‘is_isbn’];
$is_duplicate_asin = $row[‘is_duplicate_asin’];
$title = $row[‘title’];
$clean_title = $row[‘clean_title’];
$binding = $row[‘binding’];
$edition = $row[‘edition’];
$small_image = $row[‘small_image’];
$author = $row[‘author’];
$publisher = $row[‘publisher’];
$publication_date = $row[‘publication_date’];
$label = $row[‘label’];
$manufacturer = $row[‘manufacturer’];
$studio = $row[‘studio’];
$number_of_pages = $row[‘number_of_pages’];
$xml_string = $row[‘xml_string’];
* Output Table Columns for easy copy pasting. This is a helper function to cut back on tedious work that is fairly useless to begin with.
* This functions takes a look at the column names in a table and outputs them so I can copy paste them into my code to modify the variables.
* @param $conn - mysqli $conn variable
* @param $table_name - target table name
* @param bool $use_array - defaults to true, if true will return the columns back as an array
* @param string $arr_name - defaults to arr, so if $array = true, the array name will be $arr
* @param string $row - defaults to row, so the output would be $column_name = $row['Field'];. Use this for whatever is assigned to mysqli_fetch_assoc
function outputTableColumns($conn, $table_name, $use_array = true, $arr_name = 'arr', $row = 'row') {
$sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$table_name;
$res = mysqli_query( $conn, $sql );
$values = $res->fetch_all( MYSQLI_ASSOC );
foreach ( $values as $k => $v ) {
$column_name = $v['Field'];
if ($use_array == true){
echo '$'.$arr_name.'[\'' . $column_name . '\'] = $'.$row.'[\'' . $v['Field'] . '\'];
} else {
echo '$'.$column_name.' = $'.$row.'[\'' . $v['Field'] . '\'];
Ok that’s really it for the day!